Our effort began in 2002/2003 with the formation of the Nakusp and Area Community Foundation (NACF).
The Nakusp & Area Development Board provided the initial funding of $10,000 in 2003, which was invested with the Vancouver Foundation and established a system whereby our fund-raising would be matched by the Vancouver group and the Columbia Basin Trust.
A community foundation is a pool of money — endowments — carefully invested to produce funds for community projects.
Investment income is distributed as grants to local, charitable organizations. The capital pool is never touched and provides a perpetual source of income that can be used to meet needs in our communities.
Once a foundation is established, it continuously generates revenue even if no new donations are received.
Please support your communities by donating. All donations $25.00 and over receive a tax receipt. Send to Box 15, Nakusp, BC.
NACF accepts e-transfers for donations at nakuspfoundation@gmail.com
Our effort began in 2002/2003 with the formation of the Nakusp and Area Community Foundation (NACF).
The Nakusp & Area Development Board provided the initial funding of $10,000 in 2003, which was invested with the Vancouver Foundation and established a system whereby our fund-raising would be matched by the Vancouver group and the Columbia Basin Trust.
A community foundation is a pool of money — endowments — carefully invested to produce funds for community projects.
Investment income is distributed as grants to local, charitable organizations. The capital pool is never touched and provides a perpetual source of income that can be used to meet needs in our communities. Once a foundation is established, it continuously generates revenue even if no new donations are received.
In 2005, and again in 2006, the NCAF raised $25,000 each year in order to receive matching funds ($50,000 each from the Vancouver Foundation and the CBT) to bring our endowment fund at that point to $160,000, reaching our original goal.
NACF continues to raise funds (through such activities as the annual Jail & Bail event – see above and left) to increase the fund’s capital to allow even more grants to be awarded.
Two businesses have become special partners. Canadian Mountain Holidays has made a contribution to be used specifically for environmental projects. In 2009, the Kootenay Savings Credit Union set up a $67,500 fund within the Nakusp & Area Community Foundation for future community projects.
In 2010 NACF was pleased to announce the establishment of the John and Peggy Grigg Endowment Fund with a $10,000 donation from the Halcyon Home Foundation. The fund has been established specifically for projects for seniors.
There is also Karen’s Fund set up by Karen Hamling for youth, poverty and focus on providing funds for nutritious food through breakfast and lunch programs for NES and NSS program.
The Molly Bell's Green Fund was established for environmental projects and green initiatives.
Over the last eight years the has distributed nearly $100,000 to local projects – from the food bank, drama school, playground equipment, help for pets, library programs, ski hill, wellness program, to the arts council, the golf club, soccer school, historical society, to fire department training, parkour, and a school milk program.
In these changing times, it is vital for our community to have a self-sustaining funding source. You can support your community by donating to the Nakusp & Area Community Foundation.
The Nakusp & Area Community Foundation is committed to working with other agencies, foundations and organizations.
A commitment to a healthy and vibrant community for today and tomorrow.
To promote leadership and sustainability within our communities through a permanent endowment fund created and maintained by donations from the community to enable broad and effective grant-making.
Openness, integrity and accountability.
The Nakusp & Area Community Foundation, identified as a community priority, was brought to fruition by the Nakusp & Area Development Board. The NACF received Letters Patent on August 28, 2002. Through the aid of the Bootstrap Project, registered charitable status was achieved May 23, 2003. NACF received registration as a Community Foundation August 26, 2003.
The communities included in the Nakusp & Area Community Foundation are: Nakusp, Burton, Fauquier, Edgewood and Trout Lake.
The objectives of the Corporation shall be carried out primarily within the communities of Nakusp, Burton, Fauquier, Edgewood and Trout Lake.
It is not the intention of the Directors to influence public opinion, but to :
Nakusp and Area Community Foundation can only consider requests primarily within the communities of Nakusp, Burton, Fauquier, Edgewood and Trout Lake.
The Nakusp & Area Development Board invested the initial funding, on behalf of the NACF, of $10,000 with the Vancouver Foundation in December 2003.
In early 2005, voters expressed confidence in the NACF by awarding the Community Foundation a $15,000 grant from the Community Initiatives Fund of the Columbia Basin Trust.
Since it's inception the NCAF has given out over $168,000 in grants to organizations in our communities. Thank-you everyone who donated and worked to help us achieve our goal!
In these changing times, it is vital for our community to have a self-sustaining funding source. You can support your community by donating to the Nakusp & Area Community Foundation. The Nakusp & Area Community Foundation is committed to working with other agencies, foundations and organizations.
We are a member of the Community Foundations of Canada.